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Who Should Not Take Nexium 24HR?

Woman sitting on park bench experiencing frequent heartburn

Who is Nexium 24HR Right For? (And Who Shouldn’t Take It)?

Frequent heartburn (heartburn that occurs for two or more days a week) can be painful and uncomfortable, but fortunately there are options to ease your symptoms.  Nexium 24HR is a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) that works by decreasing the amount of acid made in the stomach.1

Although frequent heartburn medications like Nexium 24HR products can provide effective relief, they’re not made for everyone.

Nexium 24HR helps adults who experience frequent heartburn;2 it’s for people who experience heartburn two days or more per week and whose lives are negatively affected or help back by the feeling of heartburn.

Children and teenagers under 18 should not use Nexium 24HR. 

When to Ask Your Healthcare Provider Before Use

Often, some factors called contraindications may indicate that a person should avoid Nexium 24HR.

Ask your healthcare provider before taking Nexium 24HR if you have been experiencing: 2  

  • Heartburn that lasts more than three months. This may be a sign of a more serious condition.
  • Frequent wheezing, particularly with heartburn. 
  • Unexplained weight loss.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Stomach pain.

Also ask your healthcare provider before using 24HR if you are taking any other medications.2 Acid reducers may interact with certain prescription drugs. Be sure to mention any blood thinners, antifungals or iron supplements.1

If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, you should also consult your healthcare provider before taking Nexium 24HR.2

When Would You Hold Off on Using?

There are a few reasons why a person should avoid taking Nexium 24HR, many of which may be temporary. If you are experiencing any of the following, you should not begin taking Nexium 24HR:2

  • Trouble or pain swallowing food, vomiting with blood, or bloody or black stools.
  • Heartburn with lightheadedness, sweating, or dizziness.
  • Chest pain or shoulder pain with shortness of breath, sweating, pain spreading to arms, neck, or shoulders, or lightheadedness.
  • Frequent chest pain.

These may be signs of a serious condition and you should contact your healthcare provider if you experience them.

You should also not take Nexium 24HR if you are allergic to esomeprazole, the active ingredient. 

Use Properly and Pay Attention to How You Feel

Cleared for use? Once you’ve started taking Nexium 24HR, follow the directions for use and pay attention to how you’re feeling.

Use Nexium 24HR once a day, each day for 14 consecutive days. Swallow one capsule with a glass of water before eating in the morning.2 It may take one to four days for you to feel the full effect of the medicine. 2

Nexium 2HR is not for long-term use, so unless directed by your healthcare provider, don’t take more than one pill a day for 14 consecutive days, and don’t take a 14-day course more frequently than every four months.

Stop and contact your healthcare provider if your heartburn continues or worsens, or if you experience diarrhea, a rash or joint pain. 

Side Effects and Risks

Side effects and risks of Nexium 24HR may be reduced by following the exact dosage instructions and avoiding use in the case of contraindications. Although side effects and risks can be mild, contact your healthcare provider if they become severe or don’t go away. 

Possible side effects include:1  

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Gas
  • Constipation
  • Dry mouth
  • Drowsiness

If you experience uncomfortable or painful frequent heartburn, Nexium 24HR can provide relief. However, it’s important to know whether it’s the right medication for you. If you’re unsure whether you are clear to use Nexium 24HR, ask your healthcare provider.

To learn more about what causes heartburn and what heartburn feels like, check out other articles on the Nexium 24HR website.

  1. Esomeprazole.
  2. Label: Nexium 24HR. Esomeprazole. MedlinePlus Drug Information. Accessed on 6/21/2021. Referenced text indicated in source PDF.
  3. Contraindication.